So much news!

I have been slow to update this page lately but we have a lot of good news to share!

  1. A new paper out of the lab!  This paper published in the International Journal of Odonatology and spearheaded by former undergraduate Lais Leite and former graduate student Sarah French followed the arrival of dragonflies at our experimental ponds.
  2. Two highly successful appraisal exams in summer 2021!  Kelly Murray-Stoker and Ilia Maria Ferzoco both completed their appraisals and advanced to PhD candidacy this summer.  They both have ambitious and exciting research plans ahead!  Congratulations!
  3. We have a new student who will be joining the lab in September!  Bianca Marcellino who completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Guelph will be starting her MSc in the lab this fall and we’re all excited to have her join us.
  4. There’s probably more that I am forgetting, but you know it’s been quite a year 🙂
  5. Oh yeah – I remember!  Dr. Rosalind Murray, formerly a PDF in the McCauley and Rowe labs, is now an Assistant Professor in Biology at UTM (graduate appointment in EEB).  So exciting!