Ros gets 2 papers accepted within a week!

Congratulations to Ros Murray and two former undergraduates in the lab, Racquelle Mangahas and Sunada Tah for two papers that were accepted within the last week!

These papers include research Ros has been leading on eco-immunology in aquatic insects and how the ecological context organisms face shapes their immunological response.  Both of the former undergraduates were involved in these projects as part of the 481 research, contributing important data and insights in the work.

The papers are:

*Mangahas, R.S., R.L. Murray*, and S.J. McCauley. Chronic exposure to high concentrations of road salt decreases the immune response of dragonfly larvae. Accepted at: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution *joint first author

Murray, R.L., S. Tah, J. Koprivnikar, L. Rowe, and S.J. McCauley. Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response. Accepted at: Ecological Entomology